




The West Africa Broadcast and Media Academy (WABMA) has conferred on the Broadcasters Global Forum (BGF) the status of PARTNER in furtherance of their their common goal of bridging the training gap in the broadcasting/media profession.

The partnership comes with a fifty percent discount on tuition fees for all registered BGF members to train at any WABMA learning centre in Nigeria, and at other learning centres in West Africa when they become operational soon. The offer also covers online courses at the Academy.

WABMA Rector Dr Ken Ike Okere told BGF’s Tony Ekata that the offer was in recognition of the modest efforts by BGF members to impact the broadcasting and media space positively. He expressed the hope that prospective beneficiaries would invest in this opportunity to advance their careers.

Dr Okere also availed BGF veterans the chance to take up facilitation jobs at WABMA to keep them busy mentally while imparting their invaluable knowledge and skills to upcoming professionals. He said interested members may contact him for details of remuneration modalities.

Congratulations, BGF!

Thank you, WABMA!