BGF Training Series: Thriving Under Pressure

The Broadcasters Global Forum (BGF) held its first virtual training in 2024 on Saturday, February 17, 2024, on the topic, Thriving Under Pressure: Strategies for Media Professionals to Manage Stress. Stress mastery expert, holistic living coach, and workplace wellness consultant Kris Oziofu Ekuafeh-Ero was on hand to break down the difference between stress management and stress mastery and reel out strategies to overcome workplace pressures and other stressors.

The two-hour session moderated by BGF’s Gwendolyn ‘LadyGwen’ Oshoniyi was eye-opening, to say the least.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Stress is not inherently bad, but our relationship with it determines whether it works for us or against us. Stress mastery teaches individuals to make the most of stress.
  • Stress management techniques are flawed, as they encourage a victim mentality and reactionary behaviour rather than teach individuals to take control of their stress through tools like self-knowledge, self-love, setting priorities and support systems, and gratitude.
  • Stress mastery promotes a proactive approach to stress by acknowledging its presence in life and teaching individuals to make the most of it, rather than try to avoid or reduce it.
  • Journalists, like other professionals, face unique workplace stressors like deadlines, insecurity, trauma from stories, and financial issues. Managing stress requires a holistic approach to success, prioritising their health, relationships, and spiritual well-being alongside professional goals. It is important to understand the emotional aspects of work-life balance, including relationships and personal well-being, to thrive in a demanding profession.
  • Building resilience is key to mastering stress, as it involves moving forward regardless of past experiences.
  • Signs of stress include physical, emotional, behavioural, and cognitive changes. Recognizing these is important for managing stress. Physical, emotional, behavioural, and cognitive signs of stress include dizzy spells, headaches, mood swings, isolation, procrastination, sleep irregularities, and loss of focus.
  • The 4 As and BFF formulas provide practical techniques for assessing and responding to stressful situations in a logical, controlled manner. In doing so, tasks must be prioritised to improve the responses.

4 As

  1. Assess/Appraise
  2. Accept/Appreciate
  3. Adapt/Adjust
  4. Advance/Assimilate


(Formula to become more logical and manage stressful situations)

  • Breathe
  • Feel
  • Focus

Building resilience through self-awareness, accountability, problem-solving skills, and creative outlets is key to thriving despite challenges.

Self-knowledge, self-love, and self-care for resilience.

  • Understand who you are: Self-knowledge is key to building resilience.
  • Love yourself: When you love yourself and prioritise your life, it is easier to maintain healthy boundaries and avoid abuse and manipulation.
  • Loving oneself first is crucial before caring for oneself, as external validation is not a sustainable source of motivation.
  • Avoid people-pleasing behaviours.
  • Mental health is not an illness. It is rather a state of mind. People often use mental health as an excuse to avoid taking accountability for their actions.

Watch the video on the BGF YouTube Channel HERE (click)

Cov/Tony Ekata