BGF Celebrates Its Third Anniversary With A Bang!

The 3rd Anniversary of the Broadcasters Global Forum (BGF) was celebrated with a difference as members came together in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital, at a meet-and-greet event for the first time since the group’s inception on November 10, 2020.

There was no social distancing or fear of coronavirus to stop the convivial and highly electric party that the event turned into, thanks to the over 80 BGF members in different parts of the world who put their money where their mouths were to ensure it was a memorable event.

More than 40 of the 402 BGF members scattered across Africa, Europe, America, and Canada turned up to put faces to names and put delicacies in their mouths.

The get-together was preceded by an anniversary lecture on the topical theme of Broadcasting in a Dynamic Society with the topic, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Job Security: Implications for Journalism’.




The donors also ensured that the memories would be officially preserved on the BGF website, a key highlight of the third anniversary. Below are sights and sounds from the get-together for your delight.



















Another highlight was the institution of the maiden BGF Recognition Awards to appreciate members who have constructively contributed to the BGF Purpose over the past three years. The awards and their categories/criteria are captured in the following promo:


Happy Third Anniversary!


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