An Ode to Super Eagles goalkeeper Stanley Nwabali


(An Ode to Super Eagles goalkeeper Stanley Nwabali)

By Nze Akpama Nze


Now, because of this good thing ye and thy team mates have done,

NWABALI – the goal tender;

Verily verily I say unto ye all, with this ofor Nze in my hand,

It will be well with thee in the morning! Iseeee!

In the noon day! Iseeee!! And in the evening and night! Iseeee!!!

Behold! I visit ye with the visitation and tidings of an Okwuruoha of the land.

Know ye that I come to thee with great joy and pleasure of the – one people, one nation

Thou has kindled greatly with thy victory unto our brothers of the Rainbow land!

Brothers some of whose xenophobic hearts tear with envy and lust after the blood of Nigerians

And other fellow African blacks sojourning in their land.

Hear ye me O’ NWABALI!

The Lord, Eze Chitokike Abiama has remembered thee and thy team mates

For this great relief, albeit temporary,

Thou has brought unto the long suffering mega millions of Nigerian masses,

Whose cries of needless oppression, kidnappings, killings, hunger vainglorious leadership, etc.,

I have heard and shall soon address at my appointed time.

Know ye O’ Nwabali, that Abali di egwu! Night is ominous!

It pleases me not that thou shall continue to bear such negative identity to plough the soccer field anymore.

For this, therefore, I say unto thee this day, agu nwoke!

With the authority of this ofor Nze ndi Igbo

Your name now changeth from Nwabali – son of the night to Nwa-ihie – son of light!

Know ye that this thy full potential and capacity shall know full blossom!

And ye shall succeed exceedingly in all the days of your career as son of the light to the people.

For that’s what thou has become.

Now, arise and fret thou not!

In four nights, go ye and thy team mates unto the Elephants in their land!

Do ye unto them in the manner of David, son of Jesse unto Goliath, the giant Philistine

As recorded in the time of old.

I have delivered them into thy legs!

Bring ye home to us their tusks,

Our hearts covet to celebrate and to drink our good wines with their tusks.

And the Golden Chalice of nations in contention, we await thy triumphant arrival with it to us!

Behold, your victorious heads shall grace the choicest chieftaincy titles and caps in hands for ye all.

This is our charge from all kingdoms of the nation, East of the Niger!

Okwa nu k’odi Ndi Nze ibem?
Etiem ofor na ala!
Ndi Nze have spoken!